I went on a writing day today. It's nice to be able to devote the whole day to it, although I wish more writing had been involved, and less talking. My small notebook. And some wine, because it's Friday. The woman leading it said that writing a letter is an act of creation (which I've heard in a few places recently), and that if we want to write other stuff, then we should buy some nice stationery and have a small notebook to carry around at all times and a big notebook for when we really want to concentrate on writing. Meh. I do have a small notebook. I use it when I haven't got wifi, or when I'm with people who might think it's rude of me to start doing stuff on my 'phone in front of them. Stuff that gets written in the notebook sometimes makes it out into other formats. Sometimes it doesn't. I don't have a big notebook. I have a folder, with lots of random bits of paper shoved in it. If I'm doing proper writing (check me ...
A poetry blog from Cara L McKee