Have you heard about the Bechdel test? Brought to our attention by Alison Bechdel, the awesome American cartoonist (check out her website here ), is a blunt instrument tool to look at the sexism of ommission in films. But you can use it for any sort of story. The Bechdel test is a pass or fail test. You need to ask yourself these questions about the film: Are there two (named) women in it? Do they talk to each other? About something other than a man? If you get through to the end of those questions with a YES, then the film has passed the Bechdel test. If you don't, then it has failed. The test, as I said, is a blunt instrument. A film will pass if two named women have one conversation about shopping for puppies (giggle), and will fail if two unnamed superheroines kick butt across America, constantly discussing feminist theory. But blunt instruments are useful. Hammers are blunt instruments. So what fails the test? Lots of ...
A poetry blog from Cara L McKee