Hello I haven't checked in for a while so thought I'd say hello and let you know what's going on with me. Basically I have a lot going on in my life at the moment, and so I'm not able to do as much writing. However, things are still happening. I try to keep the page which talks about my poetry up to date, so you can always click on that to find out where to find the latest things. Just yesterday I was delighted to have my poem, The Bird on the Bind Collective website . The Bind Collective is an online platform for creative work examining ecology and the natural world. It's beautifully designed, and well worth an exploration. I particularly enjoyed Judith Klausner's work, (de)composed . I am also delighted to have a poem coming out in issue 96 of Obsessed with Pipework . I have been submitting to them for quite a while, but never found a fit before. One of the editors at OwP is Katerina Neocleous who, like me, has had a book published with Maytree Press ( you...
A poetry blog from Cara L McKee