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Showing posts from August, 2019

Poetry submission windows that are open right now - August 2019

Toni Morrison has died, which sucks, because she was an amazing writer, but I'm also excited to see the writers who carry her torch forward to light up the world. She taught that it was important to use whatever you had to bring others up with you, and we need so much more of that. So, if you have some inspiration, some creativity, even some little glimmer of magical wierdness, here are just some of the submission windows for poetry that are currently open. Tbh, I have been super busy recently, so I'm not as up to date as I'd like to be, and there are not as many opportunities as usual, so this is all I have for just now, but I'll update it if I come across anything else later in the month. Magazines: The Poetry Village  - they're lovely people, because they've just published one of my poems . Two poems a week online, and it's so worth following. Southlight  - based in the South of Scotland. Obsessed with Pipework  - four issues a year, but submis...