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Showing posts from April, 2016

respected: a poetry post

I've been in a people-watching kind of place lately. Maybe it's the cold turn in the weather, but I've been keeping more to myself, and instead, paying attention to the way people are talking to each other and to the stories people tell. Yesterday I went to my friend Rose's funeral. I had written this poem in the light of her death, although of course, at her funeral it was her poems that were shared, and I was so glad about that, because I'd feared I'd never hear them again, and worse, that I'd already heard them for the last time and didn't know when that was. I heard so many stories of the inspiration and encouragement that Rose gave to people. I can only hope to emulate that. I will try. I am very glad that her light was not dimmed at the end, but went out swiftly, so we all got to remember her as the vibrant, exciting woman she was. On Monday I went to my Writing Group's AGM which was busy, with a packed agenda, and I was fascinated to se...

visiting a life: A poetry post

This week over on the Mum Turned Mom  blog The Prompt  is 'visitor'. It brought to mind two things which have been kicking about on the backburner in my writing life. One is a short story which is going to get incorporated into a novel at some point, so I'm not sharing it here, and the other is a poem I've been writing about a friend. I've been writing it for a very long time. Writing and rewriting. There's something good about it, and lots of things that aren't, and I'm having trouble disentangling my feelings about said friend with the poem. But today the kids have gone back to school and I had tasked myself with getting some of my poems into shape, so I've dragged this one back out into the light, and tried writing and rewriting it again, to see what works. The sonnet form is the best I've come up with yet, but it's still not right. The poem is about someone I briefly went to school with. He was different and interesting, and got t...

writing: what I'm writing just now

A month ago I shared my first post on what I am up to on the writing front. You'll find it here . At the time I was editing what I'm calling the Rose book. I finished editing that at the beginning of this month. Then I smartened it up a bit and sent it out to my lovely, gorgeous, and wonderful team of first-readers, who are currently reading it. A couple of them have already sent me back their comments, and those are invaluable. When you know the story inside out it's easy to miss out something crucial, and their comments show me what's missing (although we may not agree on what that is). While they're busy reading I've been working out who my preferred possible agents are to bring this book to the world. There are so many agents, but a lot less who are the right fit. I've drawn up a short list of agents who might like this book, and who I might like to work with, and I'm getting my stuff together to send to the first one. This is my first book to b...

Cleaning: A Poetry Post

Today I'm bringing inspiration from a writing workshop I went to the other day. We had to list lots of things, like things we did every day, things we hated, all that stuff. I can't remember which list 'cleaning' fell on - it could have been either of the ones I've mentioned, but here is my poem on the subject. If you like it, please feel free to share. Cleaning I'm not leaning toward cleaning. Not predisposed to tidy clothes. I'm not inclined to wax sublime. There is no room I would vacuum. I've no desire to scrub with wire. I wouldn't wish to wash a dish. As for laundry, it just bores me. Toward cleaning I'm not leaning. © Cara L McKee 3/4/16

Renewal of Sewell: A poetry post

Well this is embarrassing... but I refuse to let that hold me back, so, fairly confident in the idea that Rufus Sewell will never read this poem, here's the poem that I was inspired to write this week by the very lovely Sara over at Mum Turned Mom . This week the prompt was ' renewal'. I've also been on Amazon, shopping this week, and this book was one they suggested I read. I think I've already read it, a very long time ago, and my 'to read' list is currently too long to add it back on to, but what a gorgeous cover. I hope Amazon and Penguin don't mind me sharing it here. You can of course buy it on Amazon yourself, here's the link . Other bookshops are available. This poem has been tamed down, in a previous version the 'Philip K' was missing! Renewal of Sewell My passion for all things relating to Sewell sent me to the library to seek a renewal. For while I'm a big fan of Philip K Dick, in this new edition can't get pa...