I heard on the news this morning that they've discovered another type of human which was living at the same time as our ancestors and the other species of humans. Sadly, we're the only humans left, and, while it's possible that there was some interbreeding, it is also possible that we killed them off. We can't know for sure, because there wasn't anyone writing it all down. Humans like us have been around for about 200,000 years. Throughout our history we have communicated, at first through gestures and sound, but we have evidence that we've been communicating by making marks for 40,000 years (which isn't long compared to how long we've been here, eh?). The first thing that springs to mind is cave painting, but there is also evidence that some marks were made to communicate to others. However, writing as we think of it, has only been around for about 5,000 years (probably - it might be earlier, but not written on things that lasted - think Betamax)...
A poetry blog from Cara L McKee