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Showing posts from October, 2014

talking about our favourite fictional characters

I wrote this post before... and then I decided to use the Blogger app again, and lost half of it. Last time I used the Blogger app, the same thing happened, but that time after a lot of digging, I was able to resurrect my work. This time it's gone.  And so's the Blogger app. UN-IN-STALL. And with the mood I'm in I'm not sure I can be bothered to do it again. Meh. Well, maybe. OK, I'll do it, but I'm going to change my favourites. Today, once again, I'm sharing my top 10 favourite fictional characters (favourites for various reasons, which I've explained below. I'm hoping you'll return the favour and share your ten favourite fictional characters. Here's mine, in no particular order: Izzy is on the left. This pic is taken from here 1. Izzy Reubens (from Love and Rockets by the Hernandez Brothers). I love Izzy, I would still like to look like her. She is also gloriously tragic and broken, furious, and demonic. The Love...

surviving the zombie apocalypse: a writing exercise

I'm using the fact that it's October as my excuse for this one, but I'm wondering how long you reckon you'd survive the zombie apocalypse? And if you survived, what would you do? I've put a bit of thought into this, ever since a writing exercise in my old writing group that went wrong.   Here's what you do: Think of 6 crisis situations, and write them down Number them 1-6 Roll a dice. You have to go with the one that is selected. Now write an account of one character coming home after a terrible incident has occurred (connected to the crisis). YOU MAY NOT MENTION WHAT HAPPENED. Add a character So what went wrong? Well, I had five crises, but couldn't think of another, so I asked my husband. He reckoned I should put in 'zombie apocalypse', which I shrugged off, much to his disgust. Reluctantly I conceeded, and then rolled a six. So I created Laura, bringing in the shopping from the landie and slamming the door shut behind her; havi...