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Showing posts from June, 2014

writing letters

In these days of social media, we're sending less letters to each other.  But not to worry.  We're keeping the Royal Mail alive delivering our online shopping. Thanks to Dave and Neil for this pic of teenage me Teenage me wrote a lot of letters.  I wrote poetry too.  It was all rather heartfelt I'm afraid. Desperately worried about talking to actual human beings, and hiding all my fear in a shroud of Goth, I put an advert in Raw magazine for penpals. I suspect some of the people who responded weren't looking for penpals. Anyhow, I ended up writing to lots of young men, most of whom were not in prison.  It was brilliant.   Most of them sent me compilation tapes (not that that ages me at all), and pictures of themselves.  There was one who sent a picture of himself in a tent, wearing a sleeping bag.  All long hair and cheeky monkey.  There was one who said he'd pop round when he got out of prison - my Mum wasn't keen.  The...

enjoying board books: 5 of the best

I've been having a clear out, getting rid of stuff we no longer need now the little girl is nearly four. One of the things that has gone is lots of board books.  You know, all the 'That's not my...' books, the cute animal books with fluffy bits and so on.  We're left with only five, and they've survived the cull because they're pure dead brilliant. I thought I'd tell you about them in case you were looking for a present for a baby or toddler that will be appreciated by the whole family. The books are in no particular order, and most of them can be bought in several formats.  You may well have come across them already, but if not do check them out. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle A fantastically simple and colourful book which is so old that I remember it from my own childhood.  The Very Hungry Caterpillar has different sizes of pages, which help children to understand about numbers, and it also teaches days of the week and healthy ...